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2018 Congregational Study Action Issue Update

Although the congregational poll is now open, voting on proposed Congregational Study Action Issues (CSAIs) will not be available until early January. All other portions of the annual certification are available now. The Commission on Social Witness decided to postpone making draft CSAI(s) available until January so they can work with proposers to explore the possibility of combining issues. Pitting one issue against another when there are so many social justice issues that are important feels inconsistent with our work toward becoming more inclusive and less tied to the white supremacy culture that requires winners and losers. To ensure you have time to review the possible CSAI(s), consider scheduling a congregational opportunity in January. The CSW will notify congregations when drafts are available. If you have questions or concerns about this decision, send a note to

This information is facilitated in part by fair share contributions of other congregations to the UUA/JPD Annual Program Fund.

Glen Schmiesing

Former Co-chair, UUFN Denominational Affairs