While UUFN helps members connect with one another on spiritual matters, we cherish getting to know each other on many levels.
Social Groups provide a way to connect with others while engaging in activities or discussion of common interest. Sometimes it is while crafting, playing a board game, or having coffee together that people feel the most cared for and understood.
Our current groups are listed below. You do not have to be a member of UUFN to try out any of our groups, or to attend regularly.
4th Friday Games Night

The Games Night group meets monthly to enjoy fun games, good company, and sometimes food.
Book Bums (HYBRID)

Book Bums meet monthly in person and online either at someone’s house or at the UUFN in Newark.
The recommender shares their research on the background of the book and author and leads the discussion, which often results in lively debate.
For more about Book Bums, including a list of upcoming books, see their web page.
The Lunch Bunch (Virtual)

The Lunch Bunch has been a fixture on the UUFN social calendar for many years. UUFN members, friends and others associated with UUFN are welcome to attend.
In normal times, the group meets monthly at a variety of local restaurants for lunch. But these are not normal times.
Because of the pandemic, the Lunch Bunch has moved to Zoom, where they meet at 1:00 PM each Tuesday. We have to provide our own lunches, but we can still enjoy each other's company!
Newark Ukesters

Do you play (or want to play) the ukulele?
Do you live in the Newark, Delaware area?
Are you looking for a fun way to practice and share your passion?
Why not come out to one of UUFN’s Ukulele Group meetings!
Young Adult Connection

For people ages 18-32. For more information contact dre@uufn.org.
Wednesday Morning Coffee Group

Meets weekly, on Wednesday mornings, at Sinclair's in Newark DE.

WomanSing is an open group of those who identify as women who meet to sing songs that nourish our spirits.
No special training is required. If you can talk you can sing!
Bring your spirit, your voice, your instruments, and a munchie to share.