Food Drive for SNAP recipients
Due to the federal government extended shut down. the state Delaware Health and Social Services (DHSS) issued its Supplemental Nutritious Assistance Program (SNAP) food stamps three weeks early. However, most recipients run out of food by the third week of the month as the food stamp program was never intended to cover all of a household’s needs. DHSS released a press release that appeared in Friday’s paper that, even if there is not another federal government shut down, it will be 50 days before SNAP recipients receive additional benefits.
In Delaware, there are 136,000 SNAP recipients, about 14% of the state’s population. In addition to giving generously to our collection plate on Sunday to fund the Delaware Food Bank, please consider bringing canned and dry foodstuffs and dropping them off in a box set up in the lobby. These will be taken to the food bank at the Methodist Church on Main Street that works closely with Hudson State Service Center.
For more information, email Barbara Ward: