THIS PAGE IS NOT FOR NON-MEMBER/FRIEND RENTALS. We are not offering rentals at this time due to COVID.
PLEASE CHECK THE UUFN Calendar for availability before submitting a request.
- All room requests are prioritized by date submitted.
- Physical Rooms are available for meetings, with some restrictions due to COVID. Restrictions are subject to change based on COVID data. You can request a physical room but it is not guaranteed to be available. For COVID-Related Rules, please see .
- Please be sure you fill in the fields marked "required." The form will not submit without them.
- You will receive an email from Breeze confirming that your request has been sent.
- The Program Coordinator will review and confirm via email that your event has been accepted.
- Please allow 3 days for Events and Meetings to appear on the website calendar.
Note for people on tablets, phones, or other small screens: If you see a black rectangle, scroll up! That means you missed a required field. Information about which field is in a white box inside the black rectangle but you'll need to scroll up to see it.
For questions/information or adjustments to existing calendar events please contact
Permission to use photos or videos
Please keep our UUFN_PHOTO-VIDEO_PERMISSION_FORM in mind. This gives us permission to use photos or other media from an event on social media or on our website.
You can:
- print copies, bring them with you, and return the completed forms to the Office Administrator
- OR email the form to people; it's a fillable PDF and they can email it back to you or to the Office Administrator