Sunday, May 21, 2023, 10:30am
Presenter: Karen Barker
Service Description:
The UUFN is at the threshold of many changes. Our worship space is being renovated, our minister is retiring. How do people proceed when the future is unknown? The labyrinth can be a path for meditation and for working with journeys, endings and beginnings.
This service will be the first one held in Fahs Hall (as we prepare for renovations). It will also be viewable via Zoom.
NOTE: This service will be held in person as well as on-line via Zoom ("hybrid"). If you want to attend in person, please review our
COVID Guidelines. If you want to attend via Zoom, a link will be sent via our weekly newsletter. If you are not already on our mailing list and want to join this service via Zoom, please send an email to no later than Friday before the service.