On this Memorial Day, we will hear from a number of our members about what they have learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, how they have grown, and how they have cared for themselves and others.
If you are a member or a friend, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark, DE will be sending you an invitation via email blast (broadcast). It will also be included in UUpdate. Please be sure to check your email for this message.
9:30 am Bistro (greet each other over coffee): Eastern Time (US and Canada)
10:30 am Worship Service: Please arrive early.
11:30 am Breakout Rooms for coffee and conversation
11:30 am Breakout Rooms for coffee and conversation
BEFORE THE SERVICE BEGINS- Please donate to Share the Plate.
Half of the collected offering goes to this organization.
May’s share the plate is the Food Bank of Delaware.
Thank you for your generosity.
If you have questions or concerns or have not received an invitation and would like one, please contact the Worship Team at worship@uufn.org. Please do this well before the service.