Pride and Pandemic

What is pride without Pride? While most years we turn outward and celebrate Pride with our community, this year, again, we are invited to turn inward and reflect on what it means to be proud of who we are and to celebrate everyone in our community. People in the LGBTQ+ community make the courageous choice to embrace who they are, in spite of stigma and discrimination. Pride is a time to celebrate the strength to embrace your true self and celebrate each one of our diverse and beautiful selve.

BIO – Reverend Amy Beltaine, provides a UU ministry of spiritual mentoring through individual and group appointments, Sunday services, rites, and rituals. Helping friends and family of the oppressed to break open instead of being broken by the pain in the world. When (spouse) Hawthorne and Amy are not pulling their little home behind them they are at home in Portugal or in Portland, Oregon. A graduate of Meadville Lombard School for the Ministry, Amy is on the coordinating committee of the UU Spiritual Directors’ Network and chair of the Spiritual Direction program at Cherry Hill Seminary. Amy is a nearly life-long earth-honoring Process Pan-en-theist…and… aspires to become a Love-Ninja. Connect with Amy at