Sunday, March 19, 2023, 10:30am
Presenter: Richard Field
Service Description:
With the cry “My friends have killed me,” the Seneca Warrior and hunter Sawantaney initiates the little known story of the “Great Treaty of Albany of 1722.” In this historic episode of early American history the remarkably “not savage” Indian peoples of what are now the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia sought to teach the European settlers encroaching on their lands how to build harmonious and peaceful infra-communal and inter-cultural relationships. Today we may be more ready to listen to their teaching on criminal justice and community building.
About the Image:
In this late 17th-century comb, created by a craftsperson from either the Seneca or Susquehannock peoples, two animated figures wearing frock coats—likely a Native American and a Euro-American—face one another. Comb via the Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Charles and Valerie Diker Collection of Native American Art, Gift of Charles and Valerie Diker, 2019); Map via Wikicommons; Illustration by Meilan Solly
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