UUFN is a Welcoming Congregation which celebrates the lives of all people. We are intentionally inclusive and welcoming of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning people and same-gender couples at all levels of congregational life.
Creating a safe and inclusive spiritual home for LGBTQ people and their families is one important way to demonstrate and promote the inherent worth and value of every person, a core Unitarian Universalist value.
The Welcoming Congregation Committee of UUFN provides the congregation with in-depth education around issues concerning lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and provides the congregation with opportunities for action. Examples of actions include supporting equality legislation and participating in activities that celebrate the LGBT community.
We address the broader issues of diversity with emphasis on the common elements of oppression.
We believe that diversity and inclusion are values to be championed as a way to affirm the dignity and worth of every person. Committee members provide a high level of commitment. UUFN provides an annual budget, attendance at programs, and responds to calls to action. The congregation voted in 2006 to become a Welcoming Congregation, and subsequently voted to Take a Stand for LGBT rights.
What Does the Welcoming Congregation Committee Do?
- Lobbies legislators for equal rights
- Writes Letters to the Editor
- Promotes relationship recognition
- Organizes sexual orientation, gender identification, and anti-discrimination workshops
- Hosts movies, panels, and public forums
- Displays tables at the annual Delaware Pride Festival
- Sponsors Bingo-a-Go-Go games for Delaware Pride
- Collaborates with HAVEN (University of Delaware LGBT student group)
- Hosts annual Gay Pride events together with UU Society of Mill Creek
- Rainbow family picnics
- Divas and Dudes Drag Show
- Rainbow Chorale concert
- Celebratory meals
How Can I Participate?
Join our committee! Help with our Gay Pride Event, attend a workshop, or help present a topic.
As a sign of support, wear a rainbow ribbon on your name tag. Ask for one at our table at Coffee Hour.
Other Welcoming Aspects of Our Congregation's Life:
- Commitment ceremonies
- Child dedication ceremonies
- We teach our children values of inclusion in our Religious Education program
We take a stand for government policies that are consistent with our values, such as ending discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
The UUFN Youth Group organized a Transgender Awareness Workshop for the congregation.
Take a look at the Transgender Awareness Workshop 101 Slides.