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Conflict Transformation Workshop

Conflict Transformation in Congregations Workshop – March 7, 2020

As part of our Long-Range Action Plan, the Long Range Action team has as one of our goals to provide training in compassionate communication and conflict resolution so that we improve our skills and ability to support each other and maintain a safe space for all, even in difficult situations. To that end the LRP is hoping to recruit several members to attend workshop on “Conflict Transformation in Congregations” on March 7, 2020 in Silver Spring MD being sponsored by the Central East Region (CER). As described by CER – “Conflict in congregations can be distressing and divisive, and people often want to avoid it at all costs. But what if conflict was actually something that could be healthy and beneficial? Rather than seeing conflict as something to be “resolved” or “managed,” what if we understood conflict to be an opportunity for mutual learning and deepening relationships?” Rev. Cooley was trained by international consultants at Hartford Seminary and has applied these concepts in workshops across the denomination.
We will be submitting an Endowment grant to cover the costs and then will simply need volunteers. Please contact Marie Laberge of the LRP Team if you are interested in joining us.